#1 Alternative to Meta Workplace.



The employee app with features that simply inspire

With more than 90% of users active every day, it’s certain: Flip gives deskless employees what they really need. This is based on the principle that the features of our employee app are developed in collaboration with users, are ready to use at the push of a button and are easy to understand.

Two construction workers install cables while kneeling

Companies who trust Flip

Logo from Bosch
Logo of GLS
Logo Porsche
Logo Rewe
Logo Edeka
Kodi Logo
Logo Toom
Logo Penny
Logo Microvast
Logo Transgourmet
Logo of german welfare association "Arbeiterwohlfahrt"
Logo Merz Pharma
Logo RAU
Logo Karlsruhe Hospital
Logo mhplus
Logo elasto
Logo Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW)
Logo Pharmacy Mache
Logo Groupe Atlantic
Logo City Stuttgart
Logo Suedpack
Logo Schwarzwald-Baar Hospital
Logo Babor Beauty Group
Logo Europart
Logof from Edeka Paul, Edeka Habig and Edeka Otto
Logo Bauder
Logo from Bosch
Logo of GLS
Logo Porsche
Logo Rewe
Logo Edeka
Kodi Logo
Logo Toom
Logo Penny
Logo Microvast
Logo Transgourmet
Logo of german welfare association "Arbeiterwohlfahrt"
Logo Merz Pharma
Logo RAU
Logo Karlsruhe Hospital
Logo mhplus
Logo elasto
Logo Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW)
Logo Pharmacy Mache
Logo Groupe Atlantic
Logo City Stuttgart
Logo Suedpack
Logo Schwarzwald-Baar Hospital
Logo Babor Beauty Group
Logo Europart
Logof from Edeka Paul, Edeka Habig and Edeka Otto
Logo Bauder


Meaningful information when you want it – not when it wants you

At last, you can also contact deskless employees in real-time without having to deal with notice boards or phone trees or conference calls. The personalised newsfeed gives employees only the information that is important to their job group, location or function. The result? Overview, not overload.

Chats and groups

Corporate communication in messenger format

Give corporate communication the simplicity that users love about private messengers and the security that will excite data protection specialists. For the first time, your teams in the field will have a secure place for internal communication

Live translation

Ensure that language is not a barrier to success

Give your employees equal access to information and avoid misunderstandings: The live translation feature allows employees to easily overcome language barriers. Everyone can write in their own language and leave the rest to the AI from our partner DeepL, the most accurate machine translation engine in the world.

Task management

Declutter? Check!

Create and assign tasks, share images, integrate files, document work progress: If it’s not in your head, at least it’s still on the screen. If nothing else, there is that great feeling of having crossed everything off your to-do list. Flip ensures maximum transparency for teams and for supervisors.

Person sitting on chair, on table laptop with mockup and mobile phone in hand
Person sitting on chair, on table laptop with mockup and mobile phone in hand

Flip works on all business and personal devices


Involved employees are committed employees

According to employee questionnaires, 58% of personnel managers reported increased employee loyalty towards their company. Flip acts as a digital barometer of employee opinion and an early-warning system that receives signals before they are passed along the grapevine. This means that you always know what makes your staff tick.

Forms and workflows

Holiday requests, sick notes and more – they’re all just formalities

Requesting holiday, submitting sick notes, registering for company events, ordering work equipment. This is all possible within a single app. Flip doesn’t only make it easy for employees, but also for HR – and forms can be created without any specialist IT knowledge.

Key topics

Don’t let important things pass you by – keep them in view

No more will you say “I didn’t see that!”. Key topics need a dedicated place where they are easy to find and can stick in your memory. In just a few taps, you can bundle the most important topics together across a few pages that are always in view from the menu and can be easily rearranged by dragging and dropping them.


Customisation is our standard

As personalised as an in-house development, but without all the hassle: Flip offers your employees a familiar environment with your corporate design. We adopt your logo, fonts and colours as standard.

Features that make your employee app even better

Smartphone mockup shows a calendar in the display


Taking photos of notices or receiving invitations to your private email address are things of the past with the Flip calendar: Deskless employees won’t miss any more appointments, whether it’s training, a works meeting, a company party or someone’s birthday.


The employee app’s key admin features

Mobile phone and screen linked by a chain

Flip Connect

Displaying internet posts in the employee app and organising posts from Flip into a ticket system – our smart interface provides connectivity for all tools, meaning that you can focus on content rather than technology.

Monitor shows administration dashboard with charts

Success monitor

You can only optimise something if you measure it: The analysis dashboard gives you an overview of the topics that are well received among your employees, giving you a starting point for continually increasing relevance and resonance.

Planner with visually highlighted dates

Post planner

Automate your topic planning and avoid any absence-related gaps: You and all group admins can schedule in advance when posts will be published in the employee app.


The digital workplace that fits in your pocket

Flip is available to everyone: By integrating all of the processes and offerings that your deskless employees need you will transform a messy and uneven landscape of tools into an easy-to-use digital workplace that fits in their pockets.

Two people on blue background

HR tools

Whether you use multiple HR tools or a single HR suite, your employees will find all important information in their app.

Four circles connected by a line to form a square on blue background

Microsoft 365

Display SharePoint content in Flip or make Flip accessible through Microsoft Teams – just two examples of what is possible.

Laptop and smartphone on blue background


Stop duplicating work: Integrate intranet content into the employee app – and vice versa.

Calender on blue background

Shift planning

Employees can access their current shift rotas whenever they need to.

Clock on blue background

Time recording

Start of the day, breaktime, home time: Easily record working time using the app.

Sun on blue background

Holiday requests

An alternative to Flip forms: Integrate your HR tool’s functionality with Flip.

Rocket on blue background

Onboarding guide

App-based onboarding with images and short videos instead of long documents.

Dollar in a circle on blue background


As convenient as using a computer: You can access payroll at any time in the app.

Gift on blue background


Employee benefits and discount codes help to increase usage rates.

Glasses on blue background


Nowadays, knowledge is transferred using audio-visual content rather than guidelines.

Sticky note with buckled corner on blue background

Sick notes

An alternative to Flip forms: Integrate your HR tool’s functionality with Flip.

Arrow in circle pointing right on blue background

More integrations

Almost every one of your cloud-based tools can be integrated with Flip.


Experience the Flip effect for yourself

See for yourself why deskless employees love Flip. We demonstrate how the employee app can meet your specific needs.

Success stories

Experiences of Flip customers